myDSL Extensions (deprecated)

No Fllash with Fireforx.uci ??

dsl ext problems

Help, how do I add myDSL extensions offline
newbie question re using myDSL

XAMPP package

MYDSLGUI problem and temporary workaround
host  missing??

2 new extensions
ZOMG!! not games!!!

New exciting  dsl  extension :  Icedock  :-)

problem with dsl-dpkg.dsl & 0.8.0
dpkg-restore works but the dsl doesn't

myDSL Extensions for HD-Install

Creating safe extensions
any ideas are welcome

Old Browser Versions
They aren't current? WHY?!

Would love to have Firefox script back

"desktop" icons
i want a firefox icon

Request for gcc.dsl
including make and all the rest

New Extensions in Testing - 08 / 2004

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