myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: dsl ext problems

I seem to have trouble with 8.0 not loading the desktop theme that is in my root directory, 7.3 would load it 8.0 I have to select after boot. (the rox theme seems to work though) any ideas?
Does anyone else have this problem or can someone test it and let me know.


I have an "init" file in the rox theme.
I don't always add one to all the themes I make.
Many downloaded themes don't include one..

But it's easy to take the one out of rox,
and edit the lines that you need to change ( background, etc. ) ..
Then tar it back up with your included init file.
You should be in business..

What theme did you want to use..
I'll add a correct init to it, and post it up in the repository.

ke4nt this ~/.fluxbox/init you're talking about?
Remind me to edit your themes before I install them :laugh:

can't say I've experienced that one.......

when you look at an init file it states is auto generated by the
bsetbg command that's why none of mine include one

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