myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New exciting  dsl  extension :  Icedock  :-)

This is a complement to icewm-blue.dsl (install it first)  that adds:

-a new menu from DSL 0.7.3

-now dillo starts with  initial page

-icedock to use dockapps with icewm

- new set of icons (the old ones are deleted , make backup ;-)

-new interesting dockapps for everybody to test:

wmsmixer (very easy to use volume control)

wmusic (a xmms front-end)

wmcdplay (cd player)

wmmon (with uptime)

wmclockmon (you can set more than one alarm and execute programs at a given time)

wmtimer (timer, chono  and alarm also)

wmdiskmon (to see disk usage, comes pre-configured to see how much space you have available in ramdisk  when  in live-cd)

the link to download is:

have fun ;-)

Cool.  Did you really put the IEEEE icon and LookOut Express icons on the desktop for the package?  It's funny, but I don't want people to think I have those on my PC.  :p   You say you are getting a new 0.7.3 menu.  Does this mean that all the stuff that is available under fluxbox's menu will show up in Icewm?  Before, I tried the Icewm.dsl, but it had less functionality for me than fluxbox.
Yes, the icons are exactly as shown in the screenshot

if someone dont like them please  make a copy of  /home/dsl/.xtdesktop before  because all the .lnk files will be overwritten  ;-)

the menu  of icewm try to reproduce the one of fluxbox as most as I could do, it may surely be improved by suggestions

have all fun using Icewm !  :-)

(sorry for my broken english)

Thanks for this Henrique

I personally don't like icewm, but I'm trying to convert some ms users to linux and they should feel comfortable with this.

i am a icewm user to. i use your icewm.dsl and icewm-blue.dsl.

i have bin looking for icedock myself but could not get it to work.
now i found it in this post. i tried it, il apears to work well.

do you now wich winoptions i have to set to make icedock stay on top and in the docklayer so it wil not be covert by other applications when maximized?

i will repackage your icedock.dsl for my own use. I think it is a little to agarisive to my current settings i.e

and you make using DSL fun by giving us usable windowmanager, thank you!

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