myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Help, how do I add myDSL extensions offline

Dear experienced DSL user,
DSL has given me a good impression so far, however to be useful to me I need to add some extensions. I have already down loaded the extensions I want to checkout but when I click to add them the message comes up that I should be on-line. Please be patient with me.

You do not need to be online in order to use the extensions.

Instead of using the myDSL click and load menu, you can log into the website using Firefox, Opera, or glinks.

Then click on "Thy myDSL repository is online".  Then click and download the desired extensions. For opera and Firefox you can download with Right-Click "Save location to disk" or something similar.  With Glinks you can download the link with the 'd' key.

Once your files are available on your DSL computer to install them all you need to do is start up emelfm.  Then highlight the *.dsl file and push the myDSL button, wait a few seconds and you are in business.


Quote (johnkn63 @ Sep. 06 2004,20:42)
Dear experienced DSL user,
DSL has given me a good impression so far, however to be useful to me I need to add some extensions. I have already down loaded the extensions I want to checkout but when I click to add them the message comes up that I should be on-line. Please be patient with me.

I wouldn't call myself an overly experienced DSL user, however, I will say that I got this one down. :)  If I understand you correctly, you're wanting to add extensions on for each time you boot, rather than having to add them manually (and download each time.)  

Basically all you have to do is update the iso (I use a windows box for this - magiciso) and place the .dsl files in the root of the cd.  

When the cd boots up, it will automatically load the .dsl files for you, and you'll have them available instead of having to download them each time. :)

Also, you can save them on any partition - excluding NTFS ..
This could be a USBkey, Fat16 or Fat32 partition,  any linux partition ..
Then use "mydsl=hdb" at boot time, or any hd* or sd* you use for storage ..
Just like the custom CD does , the extensions will loadup automagically..

Say you've got a dialup at home, but a broadband connection at
work, coffee shop, "Mom's" , wherever..
Copy ALL the extensions you want to your USBkey..
Put them in a directory called  " /optional " ..
Place the ones you want to have loaded on the desktop OUTSIDE
the /optional directory, in the " / " of the USBkey ..
Place your key in your computer BEFORE you bootup DSL
Then, at the boot prompt, include "mydsl=sda1" in your boot options.
Playtime !


Thank-you for all the ideas, actually I find that I need to type dsl at the beginning, I paced the extensions on hda3, so I type

dsl mydsl=hda3

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