myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: "desktop" icons
I downloaded firefox,I'm not sure exactly what happend, but it didnt install properly anyway. i copyed the files from /tmp/firefox.tar.gz into their respectable directories. now it works, but only if i open /opt/firefox and type "firefox", this is messy as it leavesa shell open and if i close it, firefox closes.
This leading me to my point, i want to make a "desktop icon" for firefox, i have absolutly no idea where to start.
Ok here is what to do.
Get the rox.dsl extract the dsl with emelfm (click the my dsl button to extract it) .
Now there wont be a rox icon yet (at least not on my box)
Now right click on the desktop to bring up the menu and
rox file manager should appear and creat a new icon on the desktop.
Now click the button with x's and o's to make all the files visible.
Click .xdesktop directory and you will see a bunch of images and .lnk files.
Just make an image for firefox and a .lnk file and fill it with information like the other files and when you reboot if everything in the .lnk file was valid you will see a firefox icon.
table Icon
Type: Program
Caption: civserver
Command: rxvt -rv -fn fixed -cr yellow -T "firefox" -e /path_to/firefox
Icon: .xtdesktop/firefox.jpg
X: 25
Y: 15

thanks, that worked, a bit, i had problems;
it all "works" fine, icon works and firefox runs, but it still displays a shell. Is there a way of getting around this? I am currently using this command to run firefox (in the link file):
rxvt -rv -fn fixed -cr yellow -T "firefox" -e /opt/firefox/firefox
so what you said, but do i have one too many "firefox"'s in there? i tryed:
rxvt -rv -fn fixed -cr yellow -T "firefox" -e /opt/firefox
but it didnt do much. I am sure it's probably something fairly simple thats gonna make me look like super n00b, bah.
It displays a shell because you're opening a shell which spawns firefox, instead of opening firefox directly.
if you change 'rxvt -rv -fn fixed -cr yellow -T "firefox" -e /opt/firefox/firefox' to just '/opt/firefox/firefox' it won't open a shell.
the first firefox is a directory, the second is the application.
true, I modified that from my freeciv server which needs a shell
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