myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: problem with dsl-dpkg.dsl & 0.8.0
Has anyone else run into a problem with the dsl-dpkg.dsl package on 0.8.0 dsl? I load it from emelfm OK, but when I run apt-get update, I get the error:
E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/http could not be found.
I am able to use dpkg-restore from the command line, as root from a clean boot, but it won't work after you've tried the dsl file (it must think the files are already loaded).
Has anyone else seen this? Is there a solution?
And before anyone asks, yes I did check the md5sum of my new 0.8.0 iso.
I have little trouble in dsl 0.8 with mydsl files... with it interface from browser
When I run it, I can't add any dsl files, after "add device" eg. hde5 (with dsl file) it do... nothing
No one dsl is available...
How can I run dsl files (or add to it interface) ?
Greet, Daniel
Delete the file named "drives.txt" from yout /tmp folder and your myDSLgui will start installing the packages again.
The script " Enable Apt " pulls the dsl-dpkg.dsl file from the repository and
installs it.. Same with the old script " dpkg-restore " ..
So, the only case I can see for troubles is if your using an older version
of dsl-dpkg.dsl on your hard drive when you use emelfm to install it.
dsl-dpkg.dsl went thru many changes to accomodate the 0.8
back in August..
Make sure you download a recent copy for use in emelfm...
And yes, both scripts check for the existence of dpkg, and quit
upon successfully finding it.. only using a fresh copy from emelfm
will overwrite your current dpkg install..
Using an old dsl-dpkg was my problem. Thanks. Things change pretty quickly, if you don't pay attention, you might miss something.
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