myDSL Extensions (deprecated)

Download w/Dillo
How to

how to make my own DSL module

creating dsl extensions
How do I make an extension?

3 new dsls (not in repository yet)

fluxbox-0.9.9 mod
Possible to make fb-dev the default?

New Extensions in Testing - 09/2004
Starting off with Firefox-0.9.3.dsl

Bluefish Settings
How do I save Bluefish settings?

Extension Rules
What to do and what not to do

Automatic net connection
For start-up of Dillo and e-mail

NetWorked DSL?

Firefox- and j2re1.4.2_05.uci
New java extension and reworked firefox

firefox.dsl mess up

heads up////

How exactly do you work the dsl extensions


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