myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Download w/Dillo
How do I download Opera 6.1.2 from the repository with Dillo? I did it Moz1 from synaptic but never could uninstall mozilla so I reinstalled dsl and am starting over. Also how is "wget" used?
It's MUCH BETTER to use wget than the dillo download...
Open your browser, and goto the file you want..
Rt. click on it, and select "copy link location" ..
open a shell..
type "wget" and a space ..
place your mouse cursor to the right side of the space, and
click the middle mouse button ( scroll wheel ) ,
or, with a 2 button mouse, click both buttons.
That should paste the link in front of the word "wget"
or you can simply type it out in the shell ..
" wget htp:// "
Remember to compare your md5sum to the one in the repository after downloading.
"md5sum opera6.1.2.tar.gz"
Thanks so much. That worked great!
of course, dillo already uses wget as its downloader. you can see it in action if you use an Xterm to start dillo.
but like ke4nt1 said, not md5sum-ing your downloads is just begging for trouble.
Interesting - I wondered if dillo used wget by default.
What then is happening if I click on an ftp download link on a web page in dillo and get a 'format not supported' (or something) error message? This happened recently.
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