myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Automatic net connection

What I miss from windoze and have not figured out yet in DSL is the ablity to connect to my ISP just on opening up the program (either web browser or e-mail).  The original route through all the menus and submenus to get to 'pppdial' seems a little primitive and long winded against the other recent sophisticated developments in DSL.  If I open Dillo or 'Xfmail' it is to surf or get my mail.  Any ideas how this can this can be automated?  Failing that, a .DSL to add a desktop icon button to single click on/off for 'pppdial' would be the next best thing.
I know about the dockable vdial but this still needs to loaded through the MyDSL menu each time.

I think what you really want to do is save your dialup settings and connect automatically on boot. Then dillo etc work straight away.

As I have discovered, settings entered into the right-click>System>ipnetconfig etc tools are NOT backed up by default when you hit backup/restore. Pity.

Instead you have to enter the right lines manually in the files filetool.lst and This requires learning some geek, which is not all bad.

See my ongoing partially-successful struggle (to do this for LAN settings, not ppp)at;t=2733

That's the limit of my knowledge at present. might help you discover your netmask etc numbers if you need to.
its not so dificult to find out.

1. you manualy setup the ppp with menu-system-netsetup-dialup ppp-config (remeber the name you give this connection)
2. add /opt/ppp to the filetool.lst ( so after reboot you do not have to setup again)

now if you look in then ./fluxbox/menu you will see
         [submenu] (dial-up PPP) {}
            [exec] (config) {rxvt -rv  -fn fixed -T "pppconfig" -e  sudo -H /usr/sbin/pppconfig }
            [exec] (dial) {rxvt -rv  -fn fixed -T "dial" -e sudo  /usr/sbin/ }
            [exec] (hangup) { sudo /usr/bin/poff -a }

so dial calls /usr/sbin/
now lets look into this /usr/sbin/
TMPFILE=`tempfile -d /tmp -p ras 2>/dev/null`
whiptail --title "Dial PPP" --nocancel --inputbox "Enter provider name" 0 0 2>$TMPFILE
if [ ! -z "$PROVIDER" ]; then
  $(/usr/bin/pon "$PROVIDER")

the line $(/usr/bin/pon "$PROVIDER") is interesting.
if you would type in xterm
Code Sample
sudo /usr/bin/pon the_providername_you_remeberd

i tink dsl will "auto"dial.
if you would type in xterm
Code Sample
sudo /usr/bin/poff -a

i tink dsl will hangup.
now if you can find a way to make both of these commands into desktop buttons or a wrapper script around dillo live becomes easy.

original here.