myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: heads up////

hi folks a heads up on the dsl logo theme in testing the command at the end for executing the jpg has a missing _.........
it mshould read dsl_logo.jpg not dsllogo.jpg...............

another thing a few of the new themes leave a great big bar across the bottom unchanged, not pretty!!!!!!!

Fixing the dsl_logo problem..  Tnx for the heads-up ..

The jpegs are what they are ..  
Is that bottom bar happening even with " bsetbg -f " in the style file ?
If so, (dsl_logo does) then the bar may be IN the jpeg,
or the jpegs are out of proportion to the usual 4 x 3 screen sizes ..


Tis specifcally that one and the billvstux one...........

like your new collection in stable very nice!!!!!

did'nt think to check if same author but it is these two only

original here.