myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: how to make my own DSL module

my DSL is working perfectly so why not mess with it a bit?
I'm a total newbie, yet I'd like to try to make my own .dsl or .tar.gz module.
where can i find information or a "how to" about it?
I goggle thru the forum but no luck yet.

There is a script by Mr Cbagger called deb2dsl which does
a nice job- search the forums for this -there are many pages
to read.I would give you a link,but don't know how!


thanks alot, ill check it out
To "get your feet wet", you might consider modding an existing extension.  It's much simpler than starting from scratch, equally rewarding and a great way to learn (I'm still modding mostly).  Obviously *.tar.gz extensions can simply be unpacked, changed and repacked.  Less obvious is the fact that any *.dsl module can merely be renamed *.tar.gz and modded in the same way.  Of course, it should be renamed back to *.dsl in the end.  See the definitions at the top of the repository page (Here) to clarify the distinctions.  Just have fun with it!


Before simply unpacking, changing and repacking, please read what Ke4nt has to say in this thread:;t=2362
particularly the parts about ownership and removing base directories.

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