myDSL Extensions (deprecated)
Thunderbird Extension
Can you download it?
Ideas for extension pages
Rescue tools
website down?
no knoppix file system found on new iso
MyDSL Flux Box 0.9.9
a request for an extension
Installing softs for every users
How may I ?
mp3/ogg/wma converter
FEEDBACK on packages in TESTINGwv.dsl
Looking to migrate them out of TESTING
What? how? are myDsl extensions
any doc or how-to out there?
Aghhh! Keeping shell window open after menu launch
Going stark raving mad
Synaptic apps for live cd boot users
If I understand correctly ...
Rescue extension
disk/partition/file recovery tools
.dsl extension versus raw synaptic app
pros & cons
How do I make an extension?
Next Page...
original here.