myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: What? how? are myDsl extensions
Hi all,
i've been looking for some info about the myDsl extensions and i'm afraid to say, the dsl home lacks the basic stuff.
there's nothing about myDsl on the home page and almost nothing on the repository home.
To be honest if you are a noob and get to the repository page, you can barely guess what it is about
I thought i might have more luck with the forum...
And no.
The only way to get info is to read the hundreds of messages. Not really convenient.
Please don't take this as an attack, all the developpers do a great job. I'm just trying to give my opinion on how to make this baby more accessible to anyone.
a sticky post would be a good start.
been workin on a FAQ for a while, but i really haven't had time lately to work on it.
16 hours of college at a time kinda does that.
but when i do get it done, hopefully, it will get stickied.
on topic though, to install an extension, you can either use the MyDSL click-and-load system (the "MyDSL" icon oin the desktop) or you can download the extension you want to try out manually, open emelfm, highlight it, and click the MyDSL button in emelfm.
is your friend. Just enter what you want to search for, select "All Forums" and then select Search from the Beginning. Works like a charm. this question has been answered many, MANY times.
Motto for the day: SEARCH BEFORE YOU ASK
oh, and *ahem*
Welcome to the Revolution!
Actually, when you first bootup a DSL cd,
the "dillo" window that pops up has a good deal of
information about myDSL usage and instruction ..
The "howto" - "faq" - "docs" are already built-into DSL
It's best for folks that can't get online immediately ..
it's true that some info is available on the CD itself. And in fact it's great for people who are not connected to the internet (if you don't take into account the fact that without a connection, you can't download DSL
But, wouldn't it be great to find all those stuff on the website as well?
I mean, someone who arrives on dsl website and doesn't have the possibility to understand what's all about and how it works might not even try it.
For me it's a pain to have to download and burn a CD to get some info on something which might not suit your needs.
...And if you click on the name of the MyDSL extension (in MyDSL Gui, if you are viewing it on the website, click info.) you want to download, it will give you a brief description. The MyDSL page does need to be redone though, maybe have it divide it into categories, if you already have the extension downloaded; replace the get button with a remove button (to remove the extension from your computer and to prevent multiple downloads of the same extension), and there is alot of outdated programs in there(ie. attym, firefox, ect.). Maybe we could start a project up to get those programs updated? I really enjoy this distro (first distro I could to actually get to work
) and would love to help out 
~ Me
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