myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Gnu-pod.dsl

I think that the Gnu-pod project would make an excellent .dsl.

Ipod connectivity on a minimalist distro. It would be a first!

or even added into DSL itself, as it is only 140k....

The gnupod requires a lot of perl, perl-sax, and xml support
which is not included in the reduced perl set in DSL..

You can change your /etc/apt/sources.list from stable to unstable,
then run " apt-get install gnupod-tools " to get the 0.94 version.

The debs alone are 19.12 MB in size



but I might try apt-getting it later.

still trying to get X to run reliably...

I don't have an i-pod to mess around with ...
so you folks will have to test this app out and feedback ...

gnupod.dsl is in the testing area ..
It supersedes the existing perl and perl5 (5.8.4) ..
I did get it down to 7.4MB ..

Please test with a liveCD or an install you don't mind replacing ...
Many apps work with or use the existing versions of perl,
and I have not tested these with this new perl version...
Since both will co-exist in your filesystem, I think interaction will be minimal.

This is a command-line app only, so there is no "menu" or "icon"
Once you install it thru emelfm or "mydsl-load" , its all shell and perl from there, baby ..
I did leave in the docs and mans for the gnupod commands ..


I have also added gtkpod to the testing area of the repository..


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