
Group: Members
Posts: 68
Joined: Jan. 2008 |
Posted: Feb. 02 2008,05:58 |
Boy. I Gotta do some ranting of my own here.
Computers are a very useful tool in both our professional and personal lives. But, they ARE NOT the End All, Be All of civilization!!! Even the electric light is a very recent development. How many stores can even get you through the checkout line if the power fails or the computers are down. When was the last time a checkout person counted your change back to you. Many are NOT even capable of figguring out how much change to give unless the computer tells them!
The stuff I do is mostly web-based. I use PERL because it runs serverside, which a resonably controled environment compared to the vast variations in OS and browser on the EU side. I usualy try to stay within HTML 1.0. I MAY include java enhancements, but it is NEVER requried for basic functionality!
Have you ever heard of a chat room with webcam support and visualy impared friendly that DOES NOT need java, flash, php, asp, etc..? I did that. ANYONE who says you have to have anything other then HTML 1.0 is a complete IDIOT and has NO clue what their talking about!
And this whole PHP thing. Supposed webmaster's who have never writen a single bit of code in their life and have no idea about anything insisting that their pages be written in PHP because they think its the latest thing. Who cares if it doesn't work...they just like that extention. Look at your site sats at the 404's. Their mostly PHP. I'm guessing idiots who have nothing better to do with their life looking to exploit vunerabilities.
-------------- The smartest person is not the person who knows the most. The smartest person is the one who knows which book to look in. Community knowledge can be the sum of it's knowledge or the sum of it's ignorance The Definition of a 'Brain Fart': When something comes out of my brain that Stinks!