Multimedia :: Plugins for Helixplayer or RealPlayer


I use Firefox to listen to internet radio that comes in the MP3 format.

But some broadcasters (like BBC ...) do need the RealPlayer to listen to ...

So I installed the UCI Package for RealPlayer ... the Software is copied to /ramdisk/opt ..
but cannot be started via the mydsl menue (simply nothing happens if you try to. Nor is it listed under the firefox plugins ...)

The same is the case with HelixPlayer, which I tried next.

I am familiar with remastering. So, what do I have to do to get one of those players installed? Where do I have to copy the *.xpt and *.so files to, so that the plugins do work?



in the meantime I found out that I had to copy the files *.xpt und *.so to the
/usr/local/firefox/plugins folder.

After restarting firefox and entering "about:plugins" in firefox I get the information that the "Helix DNA Player" is installed for the rmp suffix.

So I went to the BBC web site and tried to listen to the world service:

I was asked wether I would use Realplayer or the Microsoft Player. I entered Real Player .... and got the message:

"could not find an appropriate hxplay or realplay in the system path"

I had started firefox from a command shell so I could read more
error messages

error while loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Right, I do not have this library on my computer.
Where do I get it?




You could try going to the "search the contents of packages" section of the Debian site - enter the lib name in the "keyword" section and see if it turns up in one of the deb packages

Edit - libgtk2.0-0 contains this file. Maybe the GTK2 extension in the repository will solve your problem?

Hi Juanito,

which myDSL package exactly do you mean?

Thanks in advance.


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