Multimedia :: Plugins for Helixplayer or RealPlayer
Hi Juanito,
I installed as adivsed. Your hint helped in that way, that the message about the missing library does not show any more. I even can start HelixPlayer by itself now.
Only from within Firefox I still get the message:
"could not find an appropriate hxplay or realplay in the system path"
Any ideas?
RigasYou could try something like
Code Sample
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/helixplayer firefox
Or drop a symlink in /opt/bin (if using DSL 3.3+)Hi,
thanks for the idea ... but neither path nor symlink helped for the plugin to start.
What works is realplayer as stand-alone player:
First install the library (see above) Then use the installed library to convert to GTK2 (using the myDSL menue). Then start realplayer from the mydsl menue und answer the installation questions.
And now Real Player can be used as stand alone player.
What I do not understand is that the plugin files from the realplayer.uci package are called nphelix.* (so the realplayer plugins register not as realplayer but as helix plugins ... I suppose an error in the package ...)
Thanks for your help.
RigasDid you try naming the symlink (or wrapper) hxplay or realplay? From your error msg, it seems that FF is looking something to execute...?
Are you sure about that naming convention? Where are they installed? Those plugins are probably not even seen by FF, unless there is a link somewhere. I think a directory for plugins was ~/.mozilla/plugins
But I'm just really shooting out some ideas here, since hardly use plugins (cept for 1)Hi,
sorry that I did not answer for a while ... but I had a lot of work to do.
Now it works:
First install the library (see above) Then use the installed library to convert to GTK2 (using the myDSL menue). Then install Realplayer with myDSL. And then I did as advised on the mozilla plugin web page: Mozilla Plugin Documentation
After this you can start the RealPlayer Plugin from within a Website: First you get a message, that you have to run it standaloone ... but then, within the same window, the plugin opens.