Multimedia :: Sound module installation problem

Hm, so either find a precompiled kernel module for sis7019 for kernel version 2.4.26, or compile one yourself.  (did you check if they were already part of knoppix 3.4 ?)
Unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, the possibility of compiling the module myself is out because, when I try to boot up with the gcc1, kernelsource and gnu-util extensions all installed, the computer tells me at some stage that it's run out of space and the loading doesn't complete.

As to looking to see if the module was in knoppix 3.4, I may not have looked in the right places, but I haven't been able to find a document which lists the contents of knoppix 3.4. The few links I found which seemed as though they would give such a list are now dead.

How much space do you have in your USB flash drive? (free space?)  If you have enough, you can try extracting kernelsource to the drive instead of your ram (using tar zxvf).

You may not need gnu-utils extensions, so don't load it.

As for gcc1, if that's the one that you're always running out of space on, you can extract it (like in the first paragraph of this post) and delete some stuff you wont need... (ie X related things), then either remake the extension, or you could just manually copy over the things you need (ie gcc binaries, basic header files, sound related things).

Or you could ask someone nice enough to compile it for you, or look up their knoppix cd/dvds for you.
Side note: you could also just create a temporary swap on your USB just to do this - but it is not recommended to keep one on your flash drive!

I have 192.7MB free space on my flash drive.

I know that there are extensions whose names end in .tar.gz, as well as those whose names end in .dsl.

So far as I knew, the kernelsource and gcc1 extensions were both of the latter type.

Is it possible to unpack .dsl extensions with the tar command? If so, do I rename them as .tar.gz files first?

.dsl files are .tar.gz files.  You do not need to rename them if you don't want to.
The difference between them is a mydsl specific naming thing.

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