Multimedia :: Sound module installation problem

Thanks for that information, ^thehatsrule^. I'll try now to use my flash drive to store the necessary extensions.

I don't ask you to comment on this (at least, not yet!), but I had another idea about compiling the driver. I can run DSL on my regular computer from the live cd. That computer has 512MB of RAM. I wondered whether, while running DSL that way, I could mount some storage facility, say, the very USB flash drive from which I can run DSL on my little computer, then install the necessary extensions and driver source on the ramdisk on my big computer on which I'm running DSL, compile the driver on the ramdisk and then save it to the USB drive. If that's possible, then I wouldn't have to worry about the limitations on compiling imposed by the little computer's specifications.

Thanks again,


please let me know if you solve your problem. i just get a microcient computer with the same sound card (maybe the same as you) and seems like you have doing so much things that i dont understand.


Hello, Mellon.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to solve my problem, which relates, as you suspected, to the MicroClient Jr. Because I couldn't solve it, I made a request that the sis7019 module be supported in the next release of DSL. Whether that request will be looked on favourably, I don't know

Have you tried, as an alternative to DSL, another small distribution, Puppy? Version 2.12 of that distribution does support the necessary module, I can confirm.

yep, i already try puppy, but i prefer dsl, we gonna have to wait, anyway my amule and gaim are working fine, i can live without the sound for the moment.

original here.