Multimedia :: Need help with mplayer plugin for firefox

did you read my post above i tell you exactly what goes where. did you grab the rox plugin? use run program sudo rox to get rox with root privelages to move the plugins. just open 2 rox and drag and drop.
The two files in /opt/firefox/plugins have a picture of the word "error" as their icon.  Is this bad?

Edit: I have a good copy of those files in another folder, so it's okay.  But it says I don't have the permission to move them, how do you become super user when not in a terminal?

man, are you reading what i write?

what file manager are you using? If you see a icon i'm guessing your using rox.

right click the desktop>run program, now type> sudo rox
this will give you root previlages to move the files where they need to go.

I'm trying :P

I'm pretty sure I'm in Rox now.

right click the desktop>run program, now type> sudo rox
this will give you root previlages to move the files where they need to go.

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