Multimedia :: Need help with mplayer plugin for firefox

Quote (kerry @ June 24 2006,04:02)
right click the desktop>run program, now type> sudo rox
this will give you root previlages to move the files where they need to go.

I put them exactly where you said, but they just aren't showing up in "about:plugins" unless I need to reboot for it to take effect.
try to install the mplayer-plugin.dsl again. you said earlier they were errors, so it might not have installed right. when you go to /opt to get the plugins click on the eye icon and copy the plugins in the hidden folder instead of the links.
Quote (kerry @ June 24 2006,05:48)
try to install the mplayer-plugin.dsl again. you said earlier they were errors, so it might not have installed right. when you go to /opt to get the plugins click on the eye icon and copy the plugins in the hidden folder instead of the links.

Okay, except, what is the eye icon, and how do you copy the links?  Was I doing that before?

Edit: I looked in the about:plugins page, it has this: "FutureSplash Player" - that's not it is it?  If it is videos I'm trying to watch aren't working yet.

Wait, there is a window there for the movie, just no video.
did you install the codec.dsl? my bag, the old rox has what looks like little x's that to view hidden. future splash is the flash plugin. when you unhide you will see firefox(links) and firefox_plugins(real exec) drag the ones in firefox_plugins to another window were you have /usr/local/firefox/plugins open.
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