Multimedia :: xmms & mp3 & no sound

I'm trying to play an mp3 with xmms, is this supposed to work or does it require myDSL extensions? This is what I get:
Code Sample

$xmms file.mp3 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/xmms/Input/ undefined symbol: playlist_generate_shuffle_li
st cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It looks as if xmms is indeed playing, but there's no sound. Any ideas? (My pc has intel onboard sound)

is this supposed to work or does it require myDSL extensions?

Yes, it would have to work. MyDSL extensions is not required to play a mp3 using the XMMS player. At least until where i do know.
Try play using mplayer

i've had the same problem with an intel sound card, chipset AC'97 (i810 drivers). I couldn't have to work with OSS. so i tried to install alsa with the dsl package, the sound card was detected, but i coul'd'nt access to alsamixer to unmute the driver.Probably on a clean reinstall of alsa (on hard disk) it should work. Maybe it could be useful to have, somewhere in the wiki, a tutorial for each problematic sound card when someone has made it work, either on a hard disk install, or frugall install, ok from live cd.
Yes, I have the same one. I would expect some like
Code Sample


in the kernel config, but no such luck...
Does anyone have it working with OSS?

Tuxedo and cmk77
The utility sndconfig can configure the i810 sound chipset, so:

1. Is a Debian utility then you need enable APT to download it (if was not enable before):
Apps >> Tools >> Enable Apt

2. Open ATerminal and write commands:

sudo su

root@box:/home/dsl# apt-get update

3. After the process is finished, download the Debian utility package.

apt-get install sndconfig

4. Execute the utility so:


The configuration is automatic and play a sound sample if it success.

IMPORTANT: If automatic configuration fails then you try the manual configuration, so:  

sndconfig --noprobe

Choose the i810 AC97 driver and then choose between the different resource assignation combinations (irq, dma, port). There are several combinations by defect then the choise is easy.
If fails the try other combination and so on.

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