Multimedia :: xmms & mp3 & no sound

Thanks piccolo, I'll give it a shot. (By the way, the missing libs have nothing to do with it, I get the same on a machine with via sound chipset which does work.)
Thanks Picolo,

I've tried to install sndconfig a few time's on a laptop where i haven't an internet connexion and for now i boot toram from the live i got the dsl-dpkg packages, installed it, along with the gnu-utils.dsl, and tried a dpkg -i sndconfig.deb (which i got on a debian repository)...
well i had no luck: it failed, coz it couldn't open package info file in /var/lib/dpkg/status. i tried to boot with the write option, tried to creat tha file , but it didn't help.
well, never mind i 've got a nice sound  with dsl  from an old Pentium 2 with a soundblaster card.

I have a 56Kb/s modem. In practice I'm getting 5KB/s so I guess
Code Sample

$apt-get update
$apt-get install sndconfig

would probably take a hours... Or am I being too pessimistic?

Please cmk77, be optimist!
Tuxedo and cmk77


1. Remove ALL sound modules (IMPORTANT:REMOVE ALL SOUND MODULES), so:

sudo su
rmmod sound
rmmod soundcore

There are more modules than above. There exists an order, if a module can't be remove then other module must be remove before. Finally the last module is soundcore ever. If you can't remove "soundcore" module, then still you have not removed all the sound modules.
NOTE: the result from lsmod command shows all installed modules so you can know about other sound modules not above listed.

2. Execute command:

cat /proc/interrupts

Below a example of result from "cat /proc/interrupts"  

0:    10784844          XT-PIC  timer
1:       27945          XT-PIC  keyboard
2:           0          XT-PIC  cascade
3:      310046          XT-PIC  orinoco_cs
8:           1          XT-PIC  rtc
11:          0          XT-PIC  Texas Instruments PCI1251A, Texas Instruments PCI1251A (#2), usb-uhci
12:    1380425          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
14:      74469          XT-PIC  ide0
15:       2202          XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:         0
LOC:         0
ERR:         0
MIS:         0

First column is the assigned interrupts (assigned irqs).
In this example, free irqs are: 6, 7, 9, 10, 13.
That will be useful for 4 step

3. Open the /etc/modules.conf file and look for a line like to:

options i810_audio io=<io value> irq=<irq value> dma=<dma value> dma2=<dma2 value> mpuio=<mpuio value> mpuirq=<mpuirq value>

4. Do following 3 commands inserting on the last command the same values on /etc/modules.conf, but changing (if necessary) the <irq value> and <mpuirq value> by any free irq value from 2 step. Both two values must be differents.

insmod soundcore
insmod sound
insmod i810_audio io=<io value> irq=<irq value> dma=<dma value> dma2=<dma2 value> mpuio=<mpuio value> mpuirq=<mpuirq value>

If not errors then the module was installed correctly.

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