Site News :: DSL 1.2.1
We fixed a bug, patched a security issue, and corrected the boot logo...
The ceaseless efforts of John and the DSL team are much appreciated.
Yes, Indeed !!
Mo' Betta' 
Much thanks for all of your work.
Hi Everyone!
I am a little late with the thank you's this time. But you can imagine with the 1.2 release all the new files involved and then doing a quick turn around for the minor bug fix release. But still thank you's are in order:
hawki - for the xfiletool.lst suggestion.
hawki - for the public access suggestion.
clivesay - for the mydsl boot option to accept directories suggestion.
ke4nt - for nagging me to fix the non-DSL user corruption with mydsl-load
monkymind - for the artwork for the new boot logo screen and the quick turn around fix for my mistake.
woofydugfock - for the xzgv security suggestion
Also to cbagger for now his deb2dsl and scripts are included in the dsl-dpkg.dsl extension.
We have a great community.
Thanks to all and for those who I may have missed.
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