Site News :: DSL 1.2.1
Thank you for implementing the mydsl directories! This opens up a universe of possible myDSL combinations on a single partition.
For those who may be curious about what the heck i'm talking about, you can now specify a directory containing myDSL apps to auto load during boot, so if you want a number of configurations you no longer need a number of partitions.
As an example, I have a DSL partition (hda4) containing my Frugal installation (KNOPPIX,boot,optional,myDSL). The optional directory holds all of my myDSL applications so they will be added to the "install optional" section of the menu during boot. The myDSL directory contains subdirectories, each containing symlinks to a collection of apps in the optional directory. One subdirectory is named "xfree" and contains symlinks to ../../optional/XFree86.dsl, ../../optional/nvidia.dsl, and a few other related myDSL applications. Using the boot option "mydsl=hda4/myDSL/xfree" will load the myDSL apps linked in the xfree directory. This can be applied to any number of myDSL combinations so you can have multiple DSL systems to choose from at boot time, all available from the same partition, using the same KNOPPIX image.
It's all good - very good indeed.
Ta very much all.
Is anyone still getting the non-DSL user error with MyDSL? I am... 
Explain further?
You cannot install extensions as the root user, only the user dsl.
If you attempt to do so, you will see the error..
TO check, open up the XTerminal icon on the desktop.
Do you see root@box , or dsl@box , at the prompt ?
jesseakc Check out roberts post in mydsl extensions. It is on the first page. This worked for me.
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