DSL Tips and Tricks :: A quick guide on compiling XOrg 7.0 on DSL

seemed to work OK and xorgconfig worked. I assume you must have stripped my larger extension if this functionality worked?
Yes, and I also only fixed up problematic parts - left everything else in.  I suppose in addition to the test apps that could be taken out, this could be considered the "starting" point to take out even more things, if one does not want to re-build everything.

git: fatal error: `chdir' failed: permission denied
Maybe paste all of the output?  From searching the web, it seems to be a problem of invoking the outdated "gnu interactive tools" as opposed to Linus' git.

I suppose in addition to the test apps that could be taken out, this could be considered the "starting" point to take out even more things...

I think it's important (or at least useful) to leave in xorgconfig and certainly 47MB makes a better starting point than 175MB+ Perhaps you could pass the extension to Roberts to replace my original?

From searching the web, it seems to be a problem of invoking the outdated "gnu interactive tools" as opposed to Linus' git.

We must have been seraching at the same time - openssl is currently compiling en route to compiling curl en route to compiling the Linus version of git...

Feel free to replace mine, too - as it didn't seem to work for Juanito
- as it didn't seem to work for Juanito

Don't get me wrong, it would be very nice to have the extension slimmed down to 27MB - I just need to figure out why I need to be root to startx with the 27MB extension and why it doesn't seem to try and start drm (which, apart from eliminating the need for 855wrap, was the object of the exercise for me).

It took a while, but I finally got around to compiling git and downloaded the drm sources:

git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/mesa/drm

For the moment, I tried compiling the module with DSL-N (it looks like the kernel would need recompiling in DSL) - unfortunately, compiling the i915 module comes up with the following error in the drm module and consequently neither drm nor i915 will load:

*** Warning: "idr_replace" [/usr/src/drm/linux-core/drm.ko] undefined!

There are plenty of hits in Google for this and several patches - none of which seems to fix the problem.

WDef - I recall you have Intel graphics, did you ever try compiling i915 to get drm working with xorg? Without this it is kind of hard to test drm with Curaga or ^hats^ versions of xorg72...

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