DSL Tips and Tricks :: A quick guide on compiling XOrg 7.0 on DSL

What's the kernel in DSL-N rc4... 2.6.12? Seems like idr_replace was around 2.6.16 as a patch... officially in the main kernel tree as of 2.6.18

Is there a flag you can set for the kernel target?

In drm git:

First instance of idr_replace: http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=mesa....17042f7

So you could get a release that is at least 11 days old instead...

Thanks - I understand from this, that if I use git to get the drm tree prior to the first instance of idr or idr-replace, things might work.

I used git for the first time today - how would I achieve the above?

[Yes, the kernel is 2.6.12 in DSL-N]

Juanito: you asked in some else thread what are debug symbols, I explained that in this one but didn't tell how to get rid of 'em after compiling.

"strip -g lib" for libraries
"strip --strip-unneeded binary" for binaries

as libraries are nothing but symbols, only debug ones (-g aka --strip-debug) need to go.
binaries have some relocation info too that is not needed.

(Sorry, bad post. Should be deleted.)
I've only used git-clone ...

On another note, did you use the security patches/fixes on xorg 7.2 ?  If not, perhaps we can just build those outstanding packages... see http://www.x.org/wiki/SecurityPage

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