myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Uninstall a dsl extension

I'm wondering if it could be possible, especially for liveCD and frugal, to somehow make a list of files installed when you install a dsl or tar.gz, leaving them off the list if they over-write an existing file, and then an uninstall option that rm's the files in that list?
This way no core files will be removed, as they could be if you simply made a list of the extension contents and then rm'd those files.  A simple(?) check of file over-write would also mean that if you install multiple extensions, and some of their files are shared, removing one wouldn't effect the other, as the over-written files wouldn't be on the list, as long as you remove them in the reverse order of installation?

So if you load an extension and then, after doing whatever you wanted to do with it, decide you want to free up ram space, you could remove it from the ram drive.

Of course, if an extension hoses the system, rm'ing the extension wouldn't repair the hosed core files, but it's better than nothing?

Recapping in a nutshell:  On install of extension, check if the extracted file overwrites an existing file, if so, fine, if not, add it to an uninstall list for that extension.  To uninstall, select the original extension in emelfm, click a "unload mydsl" button, which will check the corresponding filelist, and rm said files.

But I don't know what happens on file-overwrite, whether you could write a sript depending on it, so... ???

You can find the dependencies for official Debian packages by looking here:

Thank you, I will study that. Is it normal that when I install
ted + dslpkg + gnuutils + rox + abiword, flfm doesn't work any more ?
Should I opee a new topic or is there any obvious incompatibilty ?

ted + dslpkg + gnuutils + rox + abiword, flfm doesn't work any more ?

That is why I prefer UCI not only uses less ram, you don't have library collisions.
This makes me think of M$ dll hell, seems some combination of dsl's suffer the same thing?
If I could just figure out how do make them. Or convince others to make more UCI extensions.

dsk-dpkg and gnu-utils should not conflict with each other.

rox does update some libraries that are needed for the program.  Check out the *.info file for more information.

I doubt that ted is a problem because it used to be part of the base distro, so this leaves:

rox + abiword as a "gotcha"

Try isolating each one and see if the problem goes away.

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