myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Uninstall a dsl extension

I think I installed 10 times dsl the last 3 days, so I'll take a few days off ;) I made a clean hd install and only put dpkg and gnu-utils. I will try now to use the .deb in order to have a better control and to be able to install and desinstall...
I gave up abiword, my computer is not fast enough, I will try PW because ted doesn't have a toolbar and the kids love toolbars...
I gave up rox too, I will try flfm
So let's go for a .deb search !
Thanks for help

PW has a nice user interface for such a slimmed-down application that runs well on older computers.

Unfortunately, DSL users have reported that it crashes when they use it. Your experience may be different, though.

The cut-and-paste menu items and buttons do not work in PW, but you can cut and paste using the Linux clipboard approach of "highlight the source text and then press the middle mouse button or scrollwheel button to paste in the destination.

FLWriter in DSL version 0.9.3 also seems like a nice editor with a decent user interface so you should give it a try.

Another possibility is to use a text editor instead of a word processor.  I think that Nedit is a nice enough text editor that you could use it as a simple word processor and it runs fine on older computers.

Good Luck.

Ok, :D, I did it and I got a segmentation fault for PW... With apt-get I could cleanly remove it.
FLWriter is very nice, but can't read .rtf file,  and we receive file from the microsoft world. I can ask paople to convert them in .rtf so I was looking for a word processor who could do it.
Abiword seems to be good but it is too heavy for our computer...
Nedit is not really what I'm looking for.
So I will look for another simple rtf editor !
Thanks for the help
PS : now I know how to configure a local source for apt-get and how to use it ! Thanks DSL ! :cool:

So there's no way to uninstall AYTTM2 using apt-get? I cannot get it or DPKG to find the package, though it seems obvious at this point that it's GOOD that dpkg can't find it.  :P

I ask because ayttm won't work with yahoo, and then I just used YMess instead. Now I have no need for ayttm since I rarely use MSN and it should be against the law to connect to AOL over a linux box, but that's my opinion.

One bonus question, is there a way to monitor laptop battery status on an HD install of dsl? Thanks!

-geodescent (dillo doesn't work when logging in)

original here.