myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Uninstall a dsl extension

Hello everybody,
Is there a way to uninstall a dsl extension ?
I installed dsl on my HD. It's wonderful, but I try every extensions and I had to re-install in order to get a clean system ...

Use 'apt-get' to install things on an hdinstall. Google apt-get help or use the forum search to learn how to use it.

myDSL Extensions are mostly for LiveCD users...or users who do not with cluttering their filesystems with things they can't remove easily =)

Ok I will try it on one of the computer with an internet connection. But I got 2 others computers without any connection. I think I can't use apt-get on them ? So I have to use the mydsl ? Or I can download packages .deb on another computer and install it ?
I will have a look at this command apt-get. I think It take care of depencies, I come from mandrake world and I only know the rpm system.
Thanks for reply.


sudo su
dpkg -i name_of_debfile_i386.deb
dpkg -i name_of_next_debfile.deb

Ok I tried it, I read a lot about apt-get, dpkg, (I'm ready for the exam now ;)) So I download a blabla.deb and tried dpkg -i blabla.deb.
So I went into the worlds of dependencies ! It's a endless work no ? With a computer without connection nor cd of .deb, it's difficult. Or there is a way to know all the depencies I will need when downloading a .deb from the net on my other computer ?
I think I'm not in the good forum now, I will go in the apt-get one ;)
Thanks a lot

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