myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: complex dsl vs uci

I believe!

What this means in other words, is that I can have a dsl upto 400MB in size...........

This gives me mouth watering anticipation of things that could be :-)

I haven't found a "limit" yet..
I'm currently working on a "doom3.uci" which will be several
gigabytes in size. Same for many other titles and applications.

On your app, when you normally apt-get install it, ( postgresql )
are you run thru any pre or post-install setup screens?
( these may be what you need to emulate )

deb2dsl, amazing as it is,  does not work with extensions that have multi-part install routines..


Thanks for asking about postgresql.
What i am trying to do is make zope and postgresql run, connect them up and add a package to zope (web application server).

apt-get update
apt-get install zope-psycopgda
apt-get install zope-parsedxml
apt-get install python2.2-imaging
apt-get install postgresql

These are automatically setup.

/etc/init.d/postgresql start

Then I have to create a database file, make a few directories, change some ownership of certain directories, add  a zope product etc.
Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you again!

Quote (ke4nt1 @ Feb. 14 2005,11:49)
deb2dsl, amazing as it is,  does not work with extensions that have multi-part install routines..


What is the way to create such a dsl? I could not find a HowTo about this in the HowTo section.
The simpliest way would be to package up the .deb files and have a script that installs them. Take a look at the alsadebs or aliendebs .dsl packages in the repository to see an example.

A much more tedious method would be to take a snapshot of the filesystem before you install the package and then a snapshot afterwards to see what has changed. Then you would have to go through and pick out the changed files one by one.

I suggest the first option unless you just really want to dive into a project with the second option.


Why can't we just have UCI type extensions?
They are so much more efficient. Is there any reason?

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