myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: complex dsl vs uci

There is a limit to the number of cloop devices available...8 or 9 i think.
8 or 9? That is a lot to me!
But there are other restrictions like the  fact that ALL the files must be in one single directory structure running in the opt directory, right?

As of Dec 2004 klik went to all cmg format.
Seems to me cmg format is the same as DSL uci format.
So it can be done. Too bad klik is "KDE Live Installer for Knoppix"
We don't have KDE. But lets see DSL has had UCI since May 2004?
Looks like DSL has been sitting on a great idea.  
I guess UCI should be renamed to FLID. Fluxbox Live Installed for DSL???
Still seems a better way to me, and I guess to others too.

...except for the fact that UCI has nothing to do with Fluxbox.  It can run regardless of what graphical system you have, and without a graphical system if your application doesn't require it.
Ahh, I don't think that's such a good idea.  See, the 400M upper limit is likely based on the assumption that:
1) you have 512M of ram on the target machine
2) that's the uncompressed size of your application (or compressed and 1G)
3) The space is taken up by Large Files
4) yours will be the only dsl package on said disc / boot.

If these are not all true, you should likely adjust your upper limit accordingly.  It's all about the target machine, you know.

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