myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: QSSTV + 0.9.2 = NO GOOD
This is the output of QSSTV
qsstv: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
DSL, as the 50MB distro in miminal .iso form,
does not require the libs to operate,
so it was removed from the distribution to make space for new stuff.
Two options here..
1. You can get the gnu-utils.dsl, which adds it back.
2. I could place the lib into the qsstv extension.
Assuming that your not running the gnu-utils.dsl,
What would you prefer?
( usually, if your expanding on the base .iso,
installing the gnu-utils package is recommended. )
But if your trying to run this on a cpu or ram challenged system,
having the lib in the extension would be preferable, if you
plan no further expansion of your system with other extensions.
There is no harm in having it in both places, either.
Let me know..
If you are on a low ram system, most likely you arent going to be watching videos.
But we probably ought to have it in both.
Just to clarify...
Here are some links that explain Slow Scan TV in more detail.
You DON'T need an amateur license to RECEIVE SSTV on your linux box.
Tune into 14.230-14.236 , and listen for the warbling tones..
Connect an output from your receiver device to the line-in of your
computer's soundcard, and enjoy...
I have added the libfreetype library to the app.
It should run as a standalone app now..
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original here.