myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: 3d Gaming in DSL

Here is yet another 3D gaming favorite in DSL

Unreal Tournament 2003 ( I simply downloaded the demo )

The UT2004 demo is just under 300MB's , which is why I picked the 2003.
Also this is only a 1GHz box, but gameplay in DSL and UT2003 is VERY acceptable...


Hmmm...I've got ut2003 installed in suse.  I wonder...with properly edited configs I could probably run that same install without having it all loaded into the ramdisk.
On most of these tests I've done,
the "game"  (ut2003, Q3, StarCraft, etc.. )
has been loaded on a HD somewhere..  

Rarely will someone have enough "ramspace" to run a game of this size.
Forget running the full versions in ramspace..

All of these are being run from a "liveCD" ,
with extra partitions mounted after bootup to access file storage areas.

My SoF2 test was actually run from the same installed version in Windows..
Same with StarCraft ..  I also did a pure StarCraft install under wine to my
"fake windows" directory..  It works as well..

Many of the "demos" were for linux, and were simply installed to a
partition somewhere outside the ramspace/filesystem..

I always run from LiveCD or Poorman's
Hard Drives are for storage, not OS installs :)


Cube works great!  It takes a lot longer to start up, but once it gets going I can't tell the difference between its performance in my DSL system and my Suse system.
No screenshot because cube apparently won't run windowed...any shots would be the same as those found at  Also I probably won't bother making an extension, since the compiled release is a simple extract-and-run setup.

I forgot to try excited about cube and came here right after playing.

EDIT: I also forgot that cube requires,, and
Maybe an extension wouldn't be a bad idea.

Try this....

start up the gimp
( I use the 2.0 version )

Select from menu to acquire screenshot..
Choose to acquire the whole desktop..
set the delay for 90-120 seconds..

Then go play ...

Eventually, you'll get a screenshot pop-up ..
It will probably be windowed.. no problem..

Alt-Tab will usually rotate you thru your windows ,
and alt-F / save will get your screenshot stored to your
/home/dsl directory...

Works for me..


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