myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: 3d Gaming in DSL

Good plan....I hadn't thought of that.
Cube/UT takes full control over my mouse and keyboard, so I couldn't figure out a way to open or switch to anything else.

Has anyone seen this site?

It supports over 300 of the latest M$ games with 100% compatibility with linux? Games Database

Let me know what ya think!


I have looked over the site from time to time..

Cedega is the latest version of their package..
A tweaked "wine" for use in linux, etc..

But at a never-ending $5.00 per month subscription fee, no thanks.

Fortunately, they do release some info and updates
back into the wine-winehq-opensource public as their
"contributions" to the open source community.


Here is a small collage of games working on my system in DSL.
Relocated from the SCREENSHOT threads


Quote (ke4nt1 @ Dec. 29 2004,13:18)
I have looked over the site from time to time..

Cedega is the latest version of their package..
A tweaked "wine" for use in linux, etc..

But at a never-ending $5.00 per month subscription fee, no thanks.

Fortunately, they do release some info and updates
back into the wine-winehq-opensource public as their
"contributions" to the open source community.


So how hard is it to get wine to run these games?


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