myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: 3d Gaming in DSL
The only 2 games I had to use with wine were
Soldier of Fortune II and StarCraft. ( more to come )
The rest of the games in this group were natively for linux.
I expect we'll soon see more patches for running games
natively in linux..
Gaming software companies are realizing that the game servers run better with linux,
and the patches used to make the games play in linux typically use the same data and game files as the windows versions.
Downloading wine from apt-get is easy.
Configuring it is easy as well. I usually choose windowed mode.
You need some drive space off-CD to save setups and installs.
My home/dsl/.wine is in my backup, and my "fake windows" area
is on my hda7 drive.
There have been some attempts to make wine.dsl's , but it needs to write to drivespace and areas unique to every PC.
( some folks have hda2 , some have hdb1, etc.. )
They get screwy when run in other boxes after the install..
I may throw one into testing just to have some other eyeballs in on it.
Unreal Tournament 2004 - on a 1000MHz machine and 64MB NVidia card.
20-25 FPS avg.

Damn... this is a dream come true for me. I've been trying to get these games to work with Linux for a while. I even went and got myself a large storage drive for that very reason...
Now, the only thing I'm going to need to make myself fully competent is the how on your Wine install (so I can get that piece of junk Visual Studio.NET installed) so I don't need Winbl0wz anymore. But rather than clutter your lovely thread with stuff that everyone but me can do, you could just either message it to me, or e-mail it to me (
Thanks a lot for your hard work, man. You're a HUGE help to this project, and it seems sometimes you don't get enough recognition for it.
This one was requested by my boys..
Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Runs great in DSL !
Another FUN game running in DSL..
High Heat Baseball 2003 !

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