myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Request for 'i.Scribe' e-mail .DSL extension

Can one you gurus please have a go at making a proper working .dsl of the freeware linux version of i.Scribe (see Memecode website).  It comes as a .bz2 file.  I tried to make a .dsl of this myself as I couldn't get any of the Thunderbird .dsls to work on either of my two machines and I new it would be too slow for my old laptop anyway.  It worked partially - enough to show that the functions including integrated contact database and calendar and pop3 mailbox preview worked, all of which I would like.  This MUA has anti virus and anti-spam safeguards too.
(I posted this before yesterday but can't find any trace of it!)

why not just use Sylpheed?

It's really nice.

besides, there are almost no viruses out there for linux.

What 460-something over the last 6 years?


Sylpheed is nice and I used it for months on earlier versions of DSL.  I still use its big brother Sylpheed-claws for the main windows family PC computer which is loaded with AVG anti-virus (yesterday's Netsky B e-mail was stopped OK!).  For my small 12.5"TFT laptop screen (which I like) space and display efficiently is important.  I found sylpheed a bit cramped.  I have been using debian's Xfmail (via apt-get) for this reason for 6 months.  There is very little display clutter but is still limited, no mime support and buggy.  I miss the pop3 mailbox preview feature on my windows machine e-mail clients that Sylpheed does not provide.  I occasionally am guilty of forwarding viruses to work contacts by replying to e-mails in .DSL Xfmail without realising.  I would welcome a new client like i.Scribe with some of these built -in safeguards.
Being small, it is in keeping with the keep-it-small DSL ethos.

hmmmmm, if they use windows, they will get viruses LOL
The other thing I like about 'inScribe' mail (windows version) is the option to have all messages headers in your message browser followed by the first 4 x lines of each message in blue, small font which allows you to close down the viewer pane default - no more opening and closing old mails to see what they are about.  Linux version imports Outlook and Eudora mails which must be attractive to a potential DSL convert.  Mails are stored in identical format to linux version ie. I could swap between linux and windows installations if er... there was a linux .dsl version of this.  I'll shut up now.
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