myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Request for 'i.Scribe' e-mail .DSL extension
It is in the "testing" area of the repository..
Great stuff! Many thanks to the cat in the hat. I'll test it out tonight.
Oh dear! Loaded ok but quite slow on this machine (166mhz, 40 ram) - probably database component, opened up sized + scaled ok, looks good . A couple of widgits were missing - text inside 'OK' and 'cancel' and a few other buttons from all menus. I can live with that. Otherwise configured as my normal way with dialup ISP the way I do for Sylpheed or xfmail and: Nothing - no connection to server for both send and recieve. (My windows i.scribe connected fine). Checked everything including pppdialup and reinstalling i.scribe immediately after fresh hdinstall - no luck. Nice try.
I tried it out too...same prob. no connection...constantly came out with a socket error.
Otherwise the features of the program seemed cool, and unlike Sylpheed you can actualy see scandinavian characters as you write a new mail.
Would very much like to see a working version
Hooray, I am not alone! Yes I think it is cool too. The 'socket 34 error' message seems so basic that it seems it may be easy to fix, not a major DSL incompatabilty issue - but then what do I know. Hopefully someone can fix this .DSL
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