myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: TESTERS NEEDED w/ HIGH SPEED ACCESS

Last night, while rebuilding a fresh copy of Thunderbird,
I found it now uses Perl 5.8.4 , to replace the 5.8.3 ..  

Easy to update, so expect a new "update_gtk_pango_defoma_perl3.dsl"
package later today which will include the new perl ...

At the moment, the packages are at these versions ..

GTK 2.4.0
Pango 1.4.0
Perl 5.8.3 ( soon to be 5.8.4 )
And the latest libs I can find so far to date..


i think cbagger01 is on the right track.

yesterday evening i did a short test with the only files i could download (update_gtk_pango_defoma.dsl, abiword_factored_out.dsl) and it dit not start abiword.

so on a clean machine i did an apt-get upload for debian testing.
then i did apt-get -d for gimp, firefox, abiword. (assuming ALL packages will be taken of the testing, or matching precompiled binaries)
i compared the list of files to be installed, the most important ones where of the same version. (
Inst perl-base [5.8.0-18] (5.8.4-2.3 Debian:testing)
Inst libgdbm3 (1.8.3-2 Debian:testing)
Inst zlib1g [1:1.1.4-14] (1: Debian:testing)
Inst libdb4.2 (4.2.52-17 Debian:testing)
Inst perl-modules (5.8.4-2.3 Debian:testing) []
Inst perl (5.8.4-2.3 Debian:testing)
Inst defoma (0.11.8-0.1 Debian:testing)
Inst libglib2.0-0 (2.4.6-3 Debian:testing)
Inst libatk1.0-0 (1.6.1-3 Debian:testing)
Inst libgtk2.0-common (2.4.10-1 Debian:testing) []
Inst libxrender1 (0.8.3-7 Debian:testing) []
Inst libpango1.0-common (1.4.1-2 Debian:testing) []
Inst libpango1.0-0 (1.4.1-2 Debian:testing) []
Inst libxcursor1 (1.1.3-1 Debian:testing) []
Inst libgtk2.0-bin (2.4.10-1 Debian:testing) []
Inst libtiff4 (3.6.1-1.1 Debian:testing) []
Inst libgtk2.0-0 (2.4.10-1 Debian:testing)
Inst gsfonts (8.14+v8.11-0.1 Debian:testing)

so is it posible to make a *.dsl that contains these base libraries, and have then installed, just like alsadebs?
but at the end of the install_alsadebs there could be a:
rm * to delete the *.deb files
and some rm /usr/share/doc/*
to save space on /ramdisk/opt
or even beter yet have the *.deb files in a *.uci and the user.tar.gz contain the install_script that goes in /etc/rc5.d

i have tried the above files but had some trouble with recursive dependecies on perl and perl-modules. if i get a solution to this, i think this is the way i will be expanding myDSL.

I appreciate your feedback..  keep it coming..
I was looking forward to more feedback from cbagger01 and others as well..
That was the purpose for starting this thread..

I can see this evolving into something more than simply debs vs dsls  :D

In the meantime, since my path/direction currently is to complete this extension,
( and that is all that it is, another extension )
Please download the latest versions, test, and feedback your comments..


All of these comments are helpful in getting to the promised land.

If you use the deb inside a dsl with wrapper to dpkg -i filename.deb, you get the following benefits:

1) You can still get myDSL menu customization functionality.
2) Even though you are using "dpkg -i" instead of "apt-get install", you are still using the Debian package management system to handle version control and dependencies.  "dpkg -i" is just a different method of getting the packaged installed and does not bypass the management functions unless you deliberately  order the system to bypass the management, which is also true for apt-get.
3) You can still "factor out" the dependencies into separate extensions that can be installed for use by more than one application.  This is true for most applications, ones that have a "newer than version x.xx" dependency requirement instead of a "specific depdendency version number x.xx required".
4) You can still follow the DSL philosophy of removing unneeded files and documentation.  It is just a little bit harder to do it using this method.  It is possible to rebuild a debian package with certain files removed to decrease size.  I believe that the command is something like dpkg -repack packagename or something like that.  A documentation check is needed in order to re-learn the exact command syntax.

There is not an easy solution for the /opt/extensionname LD_LIBRARY_PATH wrapper situation because these types of extensions are going outside of the normal Debian installation rulebook.  However, it is technically possible to build a new *.deb pacakge that contains the custom install files and also lists the correct dependencies.  The Knoppix team has already done this for some of their stuff on the knoppix livecd.  For example, if you look inside the alsadebs directory you will see a knoppix customized alsa deb package that is tweaked from the standard alsa installation. Why?  Because the knoppix folks needed to make some changes in order for alsa to work properly with both their standard 2.4.26 kernel and also with their optional 2.6.x testing kernels.  However, this build-from-the-ground-up exercise is not for the novice user and I wouldn't know where to begin myself.

As for the debs vs. dsls debate,

I would prefer to describe it as debs & dsls,   or maybe debs IN dsls   :)


I have added the airsnort-0.2.6.dsl app to the list.
I have updated abiword to abiword-new-2.0.10.dsl
I have changed the name of the main dependency extension to
myDEPS-new.dsl, added Perl-5.8.4 to it, and updated several more libs.

Here is the new list to test..

These files remain from yesterday, but renamed, use wget to download them.

Use wget to obtain and test these 3 new files ...

"myDEPS-new.dsl" SUPERSEDES the "update_gtk_pango_defoma_perl2.dsl" file ..

Again, install the myDEPS-new.dsl   FIRST ..
Run the " /usr/bin/update_gtk_pango_defoma "  SECOND ..
Then have at it on any of the rest of em' ...

Still working out the details on mozilla-thunderbird..
I'd like to add the firefox 1.0PR as well to this list..

Any feedback on performance ?, or am I on my own here ?


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