myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: TESTERS NEEDED w/ HIGH SPEED ACCESS
I have added the following apps..
AFTER INSTALLING t-bird, but before RUNNING IT ...
you'll need to run the 'update_gtk_pango_defoma' executable in /usr/bin
as ROOT, run the '/usr/sbin/update-mozila-thunderbird-chrome' executable.
Then T-Bird should run fine, import and setup..
Once this sees some further use,
I will place all of this in a small wrapper in the .dsl file ..

Here are the gtk2 apps I have assembled into factored extensions so far..
Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8.3
Gaim 1.0.0 (nice! )
Airsnort 0.2.6 ( latest version )
Inkscape 0.39 ( vector drawing app )
Tux Commander 0.5.39-1
Gimp 2.0.4
Abiword 2.0.10
I have moved these apps to my FTP server for now.
IP Address =
userid = dsluser
passwd = dslpass
Use your axyFTP to download these apps.
Much better than using a browser..
I have added the wrappers to the GTK2.dsl , T-Bird, and Gimp .
So no more command line directions .. simply click n run ..
Download the GTK2.dsl file first..
Use your emelfm "mydsl" button to load the GTK2.dsl
Then use the menu option to "Update to GTK2"
Once you've done this, your free to use any of these apps
just as you would any other extensions..
I have several more in progress..
I have tried the firefox 1.0, gaim, and gimp, and so far, no problems.
It would be very cool if this is the beginning of the .dsl system evolving into a real package management system.
because, lets face it, a lot of stuff that you could apt-get, breaks DSL. Like GTK2. Why does it want to uninstall everything to run GTK2? who cares. just use the gtk2.dsl.
definately a step in the right direction.
Ok, maybe I'm not up to the challenge of being the guinea pig and testing all of your different ISOs, seeing as I've only switched to Windows. But I'm a quick learner, and think that I want to help you guys test all of the DSL releases. But I also want to know if you guys can make a custom-tailored ISO/disk which would have everything I want on my system, which includes:
-Intel Pro Wireless 2011 PCMCIA card drivers (this is the MOST important thing to me, and there are too many steps for my windows brain to comprehend)
<--I would like the airsnort and intel card to be able to work together, first find a network and it's wep code, and then enter the wep code in myself and acces the network -->
-Airsnort (if it works with the card above, if not, then airhog, or whatever the other one was, if it works)
-Firefox 1.0
-"gaim" (from your screenshot) or some other AIM service that works with my card
-Pretty-good mp3 player (playlists would be nice, but I can settle for another without it, but has easy, intuitive song-searches)
-Video Player (not important at all)
-C++ compiler (I'd rate this at pretty darned important, as I'm learning C++ programming as a hobby)
-Torc (the racing car game)(optional)
-A decent word processor (which will be able to print through a network)
-a photo view( and/or editor)
-WINE (I think this would be nice, 'cause then I could take counter-strike out for a spin)
-and any other *useful* stuff out there
I have a cable modem connection, with a wireless router, which my dad has set the WEP code on one computer (windows only), but I forgot what he told me to put in on my Linux machine, and at the moment, he's in Japan.
I have plenty of CD-Rs should I happen to need to burn multiple copies of DSL. I don't truly care what happens to my laptop that I am testing this on, as long as I am still able to use if by reinstalling everything. I have nothing of any value or irreplaceable, so I say, what the heck. Oh yeah, and any technical console commands, I really don't know, so you'll have to write them out for me.
I hope that you'll take my offer up, 'cause I REALLY don't want to go to buggy 'ol slobutt windows just because it runs the minimal stuff I need.
While DSL doesn't take "requests" for custom distro building,
you have the tools in DSL you need to "roll your own"
Search thru the forums for the keywords mkmydsl and optional
mkmydsl is a tool for easily building and burning your own custom iso in DSL.
The "/optional" directory is where you would like
for your extensions to be located in your new fresh cd..
Many of the apps you have chosen can be downloaded from the repository.
The airsnort and other sniffer tools require the orinoco chipsets to work.
They do not operate thru ndiswrapper at this time.
Search google for ndiswrapper, and find some drivers recommended for
use with your model of wireless card there..
Then use the ndiswrapper tool in your DSLPanel to make it work.
It's a simple gui form.
I was surprised to see a post in this thread..
These apps have all been well tested,
and are found in the gtk2 section of the repository..
Glad you stopped by..
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