myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: TESTERS NEEDED w/ HIGH SPEED ACCESS

Ok, I guess I got ahead of myself (up FAR too late). What I really mean is.... ke4nt1, you have the AWESOMEST (don't know if that's a real word) desktop I've ever seen. I know I'm supposed to use the search function, but I did, and came back here. I'm wonderijng how I'm supposed to uninstall aps, 'cause I deleted the files for wolfenstien, but it is still in the myDSL tab once clicked on the desktop. Plus, I don't know how to make icons (I'll edit out all of the junk I'm putting in here if I don't find it), or have the wallpaper stay the same for EVERY reboot (keeps resetting itself). I'm almost tempted to just re-install my entire OS, but that might be stupid, but then again, I think I'll do it for kicks.
Anywhoo, I still don't know how to open gcc, and I need it for Friday. I did do a search for that, 'couldn't find it.
So, I guess in my mind, the easy way out of my troubles would be to have someone else who already has everything I need, send me the os files. But I know that the wholesome way to do this would be to figure it out myself.

Oh yeah, if there are any new programs DSL, I'd be glad to test them. But first I gotta get out of my hole. Well, I guess I'm not in a bad hole, seeing as I'm posting this from out of linux :-)

original here.