myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: how to make my own DSL module

Great info!  I need to digest this material myself.  For noobs like us, would it be smarter to limit creations to *.tar.gz and changes to *.dsl to the /opt, /home/ and /tmp dirs?

So far, everything I've done falls into this category except for one standalone executable (so no complicated libs or dependancy issues).  Where should such an executable properly be placed?

I wasn't really thinking about stuff for mass consumption, as I think one should develop some level of proficiency before submitting anything.  Hence, you won't find any extensions with my name on them ... yet anyway :) .  I wouldn't want to flood our brilliant developers with poorly constructed extensions!  I think their time is probably better spent working on the base system.

Actually , the only real difference between .tar.gz's and .dsl's , besides the name ,
IS the fact that the .tar.gz's ONLY write to /opt , /home , and /tmp ...

Other than that, they are identical..

My suggestion would be to not worry at first about forcing your chosen
app to run within the .tar.gz restrictions..

Usually this involves creating paths and wrappers to redirect file request calls
to directories inside the extension, rather than looking thru the usual places
like /usr/bin ,  /usr/lib ,  and so on ...

Playing with existing ones is good karma, since you know they already work.
Look inside them by using the " tar -ztf nameofdsl.dsl > nameofdsl.txt "
Open the text file, and see just what IS inside those buggers...

Then using the dsl2deb script, written by cbagger01,
and found here in the forums, is another useful tool to help build your firsts...
Look at the script itself, and study what it does ..
I use this to pull down a quick-n-dirty .dsl from the apt-get .debs .
Works like a champ..

Then read the notes linked in this thread to learn how to open it,
reduce its payload by removing unneccesary files
like docs, mans, texts, etc.. checking permissions and owners,
and then howto put it back together correctly so it installs
and runs without errors occuring in the desktop or filesystem..

if you run into a challenge, search the forums for solutions ..
Chances are, we've seen it, posted it, or read about it here ..
Then share your success , challenge, and solution with us ..


thanks for the feedback and tips.
I think playing with packages is the most funand rewarding way to get involved with this great project.
for a newbie like me it'l take a while before coming up with something usable but its funnier and more constructive than just posting a wish list eheheheh.

original here.