myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Extension loading order

Can anyone detail for me the logic with which DSL loads extensions from the root folder on a CD?  

I'm working on some extensions that need to be loaded after others, and getting some curious results.  I thought it was *.tar.gz first, then *.dsl and finally *.uci in a seperate step, with files in each group being loaded alphabetically by filename.  However, the results I'm getting make me think that it may not be that simple.

i think its *.tar.gz then *.dsl then *.uci
each of then in alphabetical order (case sensitive)

Hmm...  Maybe I confused myself by changing too many variables at once.  I'll experiment a little further.  But, thanks for supporting my theory!

Since I live mostly in "The Wonderful World of M$", I tend to forget about case-sensitivity.  Not the fact that Linux is case-sensitive, but rather just how it will effect sorting.  I've always regarded it as just another way that Bill tried to sabotage compatability with the rest of the digital universe.  :angry:

Since the filenames are just "labels" in linux,
you could temporarily rename some of your downloaded
extensions in the sort order you wish without causing any
harm to the extensions functions .
( unlike an *.exe in windows, which when renamed into an *.abc, will not run )

So you could make tham ALL   .tar.gz's   or   .dsl's
It makes no difference to DSL or myDSL.
Then have an A.dsl , B.dsl, C.dsl, D.dsl , etc..
Or, 1-dsl-dpkg.dsl , 2-gnu-utils.dsl , 3-alsadebs.dsl , etc..


as far as i kown there is a BIG diference between *.dsl and *.tar.gz
although *.dsl a created the same way as *.tar.gz.

for *.tar.gz run ( extracts) only in the intitial minirootfs created at boot time

on the otherhand if a *.dsl is loaded some very important directories are copied to ramdisk, this is called makewriteable as it makes the cdrom "writeable"  (/bin /lib /sbin /usr) this way a *.dsl can import new libs. etc

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