myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Extension loading order

Your assumption and henk's post are correct. I am curious as to why the order is important. They are only loading and not running. If there are incompatible files overlaying others that would cause a problem then that needs to be brought to our attention. I believe such was the case and discovered by henk regarding gimp2.0.  You can use the work around by adding a prefix to the extension name as suggested by ke4nt. But still any incompatiblies need and should be brought to our attention. You should not rename the suffix of an extension, as that could affect the proper loading of the extension.
Thanks to all.  My primary problem was that it had been too many years since I'd laid eyes on an ASCII table (combined with years of using case-ignorant M$ OSs).  I've got my head on straight now, at least.  Maybe... :;):

Everything I'm doing can be contained in /home, so (as I understand the extension system) should be kept as *.tar.gz, right?  However, in some cases, configuration files are subsequently being overwritten by files in the .dsl when it loads.  For example, I place a new theme for icewm in /home/damnsmall/.icewm/themes/keramik/ and modify the/home/damnsmall/.icewm/theme file accordingly to make it the new default.  I package this as icewm-keramik.tar.gz which obviously requires icewm.dsl.  But, icewm.dsl loads afterward as a .dsl and also contains a /home/damnsmall/.icewm/theme.  So, it resets the default back.  

I suspect that the default config in the .dsl may belong elsewhere, since duplicates found in /home usually take precedence.  I'll have to check the icewm docs tomorrow.  The same scenario occurs with other .dsl extensions I'm using, so I'll define them as I isolate them.  Again, thanks everyone!

if you add files or forders to /home/dsl you should add the to the than you can backupup and restore them

the order in wich dsl works is
1. it load all extentions
2 then it run restore

so config files and setting that are included with the extensions are  overwriten with the config files you backedup
no need to make *.tar.gz and figure out the loading order let do the hard work for you

This assumes that the user has a partition available on which to backup and restore...just wanted to let you know that there may indeed be a need to make *.tar.gz.
In this case, one option is to make your backup settings a *.dsl rather than *.tar.gz.   Since you've already mkwriteable'ed (is that a word?  no, i don't think so) by loading a *.dsl, there's no advantage to using tar.gz for backups.  If your backup file is named zzz.dsl, it should be the last extension loaded.

the user MUST have a partion avalable to store his myDSL-extenstions let it be the livecd.
now if he adjust the filetool.lst with the setting he wants to keep, then do a backup targeting ramdrisk.
he gets all his setting in /ramdisk/backup.tar.gz.
copy this together with the myDSL-extensions he has to the livecd.
boot with "dsl restore=cdrom".
i think this is an easy way to presset his configuration.
still no need for makewriteable

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