myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: How can I install perlTk on dsl
Dear experiienced dsl users,
I like the small size of dsl, I want to run some perl scripts on dsl that use the Tk module. Is there a perl-Tk extension?
If not can I use a debian package, i.e. a .deb, and if so how do I install the package.
Or being a perl module can I install from source?[The X libraries required makes me think this would not be a good idea]
Thank-you for your help
In the repository is an extension called tcltk8.3.dsl
perl Tk or more exactly uses tcltk however they are not one and the same thing. perl-Tk exists as a debian (.deb) package can I use that? If so how?
Yes, you can use it if it is a Debian package.
First, install the dsl-dpkg extension, or choose "Enable Apt", or choose "Get Synaptic" from the menu.
You will also probably need the gnu-utils.dsl extension. You don't need the gnu-utils extension if you performed an enhanced hd install.
Then make sure that your /etc/apt/sources.list file is pointing towards the appropriate Debian repository (stable,testing,unstable, or some unofficial source)
Then open up an xterminal and type:
sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get install name-of-package
Otherwise, if you can download the deb file itself, you can install it with:
sudo su
dpkg -i filename.deb
Good Luck.
I tried the
sudo su
dpkg -i perl-tk.deb
but this doesn't work, one gets lost in a unending circle of perl5.6/8 depends on perl-modules, and perl-modules depends on perl5.6/8.
The general approach works, I installed netpbm after installing libnetpbm using dpkg -i, the problems centre around the particilar package perl-tk, looks like perl-tk would be a good candidate for making into perl-tk.dsl. Any ideas/advice.
With thanks John
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