myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: How can I install perlTk on dsl

Two ideas:

1) Make sure that your sources.list is pointed to unstable

2) Do a

apt-get remove  packagename

followed by an

apt-get install packagename

Sometimes you need to get rid of the reference back to the old package before you can properly install the new one.

Good Luck.

Still haven't been able to get perl-tk to insatll directly

However the following will work
   Use PAR [download from] and make a binary package on any ix86 linux from the script [ a mere 15M] the resulting binary should run on dsl.
   In the case of of my script it was also necessary to load unifont to prevent crashing as soon as came across foreign characters -- eg Chinese.

It should be possible to make something close to a perltk.dsl this way, though one would need to do something like


to run it -- anyone interested in using / helping / developing such an extension?

Aside -- this works with dsl-embedded and so can be a good way to demostrate things those who only have windows.

Oh, yes but there is no dpkg  to install anything ?
I install 0.93 version on hard disk,. there is only dpkg-restore which try to search what ??? from internet
how to install .dsl format ??
for example I downloaded parted.dsl and want to install it , how to do it ???

thank for help

original here.