myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: deb2dsl script testers needed

I tried to run it as follows:

<ran dsl-dpkg.dsl from emelfm>
sudo su
apt-get install xgalaga

  and I got this error:

: command not found:
: command not found:
' line 49: syntax error near unexpected token `do
' line 49" `for i in $( ls $HOME/*.deb ); do

I'm running the latest release of DSL, and did nothing else before issuing those commands.

Just tried again from home during lunch.

I get the exact same result. I enable apt, go into sources to uncomment the mirrors I need for tuxpaint, update apt, install tuxpaint, copy the script to scite, save as deb2dsl, chmod 755 deb2dsl, run ./deb2dsl.


OK, I'm stumped.

I'll have to try and duplicate your use case, step by step, when I get home and see if I can figure out what is the problem.

The more details that you can provide, the better. I already have enough information to give it a first try.

I noticed that my cut and paste bash file looked OK in scite, but in nVi it had a lot of ^M characters at the end of lines.  These were no visible in the scite editor.  Could that be the there is something funny happening at the end of the lines when you cut and paste from the web page?

Here are the details for my successful test:

(1) I booted base DSL from livecd.
(2) I enabled apt by choosing Apps -> Tools -> Enable Apt
(3) I opened an Xterminal by choosing XShells -> Rxvt Dark
(4) Inside the Xterminal window, I typed in:

sudo su
apt-get install xgalaga

(5)  I then tried unsuccessfully to copy and paste the script into scite using both dillo and glinks.  So I installed Firefox.
(6)  I then used Firefox to copy and paste the script using the following method:  I highlighted the script by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the pointer over the "code sample" script window.  I then switched over to Scite and pushed my middle mouse button (it is a combination scroll wheel and middle button) to paste the script into scite. I then saved the script as "deb2dsl"
(7)  Inside the xterminal, I typed in the following:

chmod 755 deb2dsl

(8)  The script then runs.  I type in "xgalaga.dsl" for the package name, "xgalaga" for the menu name and "/usr/games/xgalaga" for the program name.
(9) The script ends and I have a new xgalaga.dsl file in my home directory.

I then saved the xgalaga file to my hard disk and rebooted. I opened emelfm, mounted my hard drive partition, selected xgalaga.dsl and pushed the "myDSL" button.  After the 'end of output' message appeared in the emelfm window, I checked my menu and xgalaga was there.  I tried it out and it works.

See if you can duplicate these steps and produce the same results.

Good Luck.

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