myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: deb2dsl script testers needed

cbagger -

The script appears to be working now. The two dsl files I tried didn't work but I don't think it was because of the script. I tried Frozen Bubble and GCompris. They are missing some components to run under DSL it seems. Great job!! I will try some smaller packages later today.

Take care



I created a .dsl using the script for Tux Paint. It worked beautifully!

Cbagger - I think I speak for everyone when I say THANK YOU!! This makes package creation sinfully simple!  :D

Take care


Just to confirm results I successfully built a gcompris.dsl using the files from the stable branch! Very cool!

Take care


yep works like a dream thunderbird is done....
After I got rid of the control characters (wound up using beaver's DOS->UNIX conversion) the script worked great.  It looks like it handled making a working Python DSL, which took me some time to do by hand when I tried it without the script(and I don't think mine worked quit right).

nice job.

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