myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: styles.tar.gz
hi I have two fully functional themes almost ready to go..........
all I need to do is zip them in a tar.gz but have not managed to do so succesfully but the copies i have placed manually in .fluxbox work.......any pointers as how to zip and what i need to zip as dont want anything not needed to be zipped......
I may stand corrected on this but.....
You need a structure in some directory which goes
/home/dsl/.fluxbox/backgrounds and /home/dsl/.fluxbox/styles-
you already know that,plus you know the wallpaper goes in backgrounds
and the style text goes in styles.Your init file should be in .fluxbox.
Then cd to the directory which contains this /home/dsl/.fluxbox/etc
structure and tar it up with "tar -cvf mpietheme.tar home/"
That should produce "mpietheme.tar".Then "gzip mpietheme.tar",
which vanishes before your very eyes,to be replaced with
Then like me,you could get really silly and transfer this result between
drives on your computer,and lose all your permissions along the way
and wonder why it won't work.
Don't do that.
It's probably best to do all this in a clean fresh instance of Live DSL.
As I say, I'm happy to stand corrected,my apologies if I've left
something important out.
Hope this works for you.
Cool didn't think it would be that straight forward......So let me confirm Cd to /name of the file tar -cvf name of theme then gzip and I,m done....Gosh THank you
eerrrr.....I don't think we're in phase on this one...
Make a directory called "desk".
As a subdirectory of "desk", make a directory called "home".
Under that, a directory called "dsl".
Or better yet "damnsmall".
And so on with ".fluxbox" ,"themes" and "styles".
Just LIKE in your home directory.
You have to make this whole structure under "desk".
Then put copies of your wallpaper,style,and init in the proper places.
Then you cd to "desk". The top of the structure.
You want to make a theme called "bluecow".
Your working directory is "desk".
So you tar everything under the "home" subdirectory with
"tar -cvf bluecow.tar home/"
Note the home/ part.
Then you gzip bluecow.tar
The resultant bluecow.tar.gz should be good to go into the root directory
of your live cd where it will be automagically loaded by mydsl.
At startup. Whether you like it or not.
You can't just use your existing home structure, or you will tar up
everything in your home directory!
If there's a better way,or better explanation,let us know!
I was almost there I had a working Dir then .fluxbox. So I need to make /home/dsl/.fluxbox./Backgrounds Bluecow and
need to make /home/dsl/.fluxbox./Styles Bluecow
I thought (please correct me if I'm wrong) that that the init would automatically generate when run as the command bsetbg creates one? ......
anyway then cd to working dir tar -cvf Bluecow.tar home/
then gzip Bluecow.tar ..... 
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