myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: styles.tar.gz
Something here which may cause troubles is the 'So you tar everything under the "home" subdirectory' part. This will add a /home/ directory to the archive structure, which is unnecessary and may cause problems.
Have a look at this thread:;t=95
Ke4nt1 explains in detail how to properly construct an extension, The same method is used with a style.tar.gz. new themes available.........well just been mailed
WOW KE4NT1 I MUST ADMIT YOU HAD THESE UP VERY FAST..........................
I was at the kb when they came in..
I removed all the directories, fixed the permissions,
rebuilt the .tar.gz's, and made new md5sums.
Nice backgrounds....
Send me your .info files when you get a minute..
The repository web pages need them in a particular format..
See other .info files in the repository for examples..
just one question , ke4nt1 what dirs have you remove for cross compatability, i moved my file to hda2 out of the way got the one from the repository untarred it then recovered mine from hda2 untarred it and i fail to find any differences? this is not a problem but if i know what to remove then i can do it myself next time----------------------------weeeeee
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